Saturday, October 13, 2012

"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity"

Albert Einstein
The weather is getting nice enough to sit outside at Heidi's and have lunch or dinner.

This was a great idea for allowing Heidi's to do this with outside dining and it seems it requires a great deal of perserverance to acheive change.
There was a great push for the mixed use amendment for Cocoa Beach and it finally was approved.  If you will notice there have been very few changes.  A local businessman is planning on building a mixed use building on N. Orlando that will have a business on the bottom and an apartment on the 2nd floor with a balcony over the sidewalk like you would see in Key West or Charleston.  I think that will look great.

The city elections are coming up and it seems the parties are getting rather intense on both sides.  Cocoa Beach is a very small town and as in every small town the local politics are limited to a distinct group of people who have been around a long time.  It seems strange for me to say this but a realtor is running for mayor and I have conflicted views on this.  I, being a realtor, feel that I would want to make sure that all decisions made for other people are unbiased and made for the majority.  I just feel that there would be too many opportunities for a conflict of interest.

Just one fool's thoughts

Important thing is just to vote!

Go Gators

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