Saturday, October 27, 2012

"I read Shakespeare and the Bible, and I can shoot dice"

"That's what I call a liberal education"  Tallulah Bankhead
Storm damage from Sandy, these palms were just planted!  Just kidding, glad no damage.

We have changed a lot concerning storms, schools were closed Friday, Ada and I were having lunch at The Mango Tree on Friday and the owner said that they had 50% cancellations of dinner reservations.

On a somewhat positive note, a friend from NY called to say he had a spritual awakening while on the Cocoa Beach Pier watching the waves coming in from Sandy but then he tells me the awakening happened when they were leaving and he saw the hot weather girl from NY coming out of the gift shop.  His name is withheld to protect the innocent namely his wife.

Good day to stay inside, cook a pot of chili and root for the Gators!
This picture is from Frances in 2004!  That was not a good year!

Jim Bagwell

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