Monday, January 13, 2014

"It's the work we avoid"

"And we're all self-employed"
"We love to work at nothing all day"
"And we be"  Taking care of business  B.T.O.
Not much new going on in our paradise so far this year.

Windward East unit 105 will close today for a price of $205,000.  The people of Windward East should be very happy that they are getting some great neighbors.

Ownership of listings

This listing above reminded me of something that drives me crazy.  There are many listing agents who have a lot of listings and after awhile it becomes a mundane process in their daily routine.  Since this listing is closing in about 1/2 hour, I will tell you that the unit has a 2 car garage instead of a 1 car garage.  Now if the agent had even gone into the garage or talked to the association she would have known this.  This is a huge factor for a condo listing on the beach.

Another client the other day brought in a huge flower arrangement for one of our agents and the unit has not even closed as yet simply because the agent is on top of everything.  They listed their home in another city and received no follow up from their listing agent who was the top listing agent in their area.    

In some cases you don't get superior service because of the size of the company.

Jim Bagwell